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Onderwerp: Dungeons

Dungeons 13 jaren, 3 maanden geleden #109

  • Yvilthi
  • Afwezig
  • Administrator
  • Berichten: 207
  • Karma: 6


There are places in Tyria where only the most experienced, well-equipped groups dare enter. We call them dungeons, but in reality these massive, instanced adventure areas are set in a wide range of settings above and below ground. From the searing heat of Sorrow's Embrace to the grandiose halls of Caudecus's Manor to the haunted depths of the Ascalonian Catacombs, dungeons in Guild Wars 2 come in many different forms.

Dungeons are designed for teams of high-level players who must work together in order to overcome their perils. Each dungeon instance is divided into a story mode and an explorable mode. In story mode, you'll delve into a gripping plot that reveals more secrets of Tyria. Once you've experienced the dungeon in story mode, you can unlock the challenging explorable mode content. The sandbox-style play of the explorable mode has several strategic options, each of which creates a different set of obstacles and goals in the game.

The risks are immense but the rewards are great for those who brave the dungeons in Guild Wars 2 - each dungeon holds its own unique armors and weapons.

Dungeon Articles
Into the Dungeons! (official site)

Laast bewerkt: 13 jaren, 3 maanden geleden Door Yvilthi.

Re: Dungeons 12 jaren, 5 maanden geleden #1024

  • Suzanne
  • Afwezig
  • Gold Boarder
  • Berichten: 165
  • Karma: 5
Ascalonian Catacombs: A guide to the first dungeon in GW2:

Re: Dungeons 12 jaren, 4 maanden geleden #1099

  • Yvilthi
  • Afwezig
  • Administrator
  • Berichten: 207
  • Karma: 6
Ik was een forumpost aan het lezen over de dungeons bij GW2 waarin een leuk stukje over de gedachten gang van developers bij Arena net achter de Explorablemodes staat.


Voor de gehele post kun je terecht bij deze link

PS. DoA in GW1 betekende inderdaad meerdere malen whipen op de trash
Brings back memmory's ( the horror .. the pain )


Re: Dungeons 12 jaren, 3 maanden geleden #1138

  • Suzanne
  • Afwezig
  • Gold Boarder
  • Berichten: 165
  • Karma: 5
List of Dungeons:

Ascalonian Catacombs 30 -35
Phasmatis Corridor
Plains of Ashford

Caudecus's Manor 40-45
Shire of Beetletun

Twilight Arbor 50 -55
Wychmire Swamp
Caledon Forest

Sorrow's Embrace 60 -65
Tribulation Rift
Dredgehaunt Cliffs

Citadel of Flame 70 -75
The Baelfire
Fireheart Rise

Honor of the Waves 76 -80
Watchful Fjord
Frostgorge Sound

Crucible of Eternity 78 -80
Infinite Coil Reactor
Mount Maelstrom

Arah 80 -80
The Narthex
Cursed Shore

Fractals of the Mist 80 -80
The Mist
Lion's Arch

Tokens: wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Token
Laast bewerkt: 12 jaren, 2 maanden geleden Door Suzanne.
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