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Onderwerp: Engineer

Engineer 13 jaren, 3 maanden geleden #93

  • Yvilthi
  • Afwezig
  • Administrator
  • Berichten: 207
  • Karma: 6

"I'd explain it all to you, but a demonstration would be more usefull."

Masters of mechanical mayhem, engineers tinker with explosives, gadgets, elixirs, and all manner of deployable devices. They can take control of an area by placing turrets, support their allies with alchemic weaponry, or lay waste to foes with a wide array of mines, bombs, and grenades.

Like elementalists, engineers use a single weapon set at a time, but they complement this weapon set by equipping special utility and healing kits. These kits provide the engineer with special weapons and backpacks loaded with a full set of skills to replace their current weapon skills.

Weapon Kits—These are utility skills that equip a new weapon in the engineer's hands when activated. For example, the flamethrower kit creates a short-range AOE weapon the engineer can use to overwhelm foes. The flamethrower has skills like Immolate to damage nearby enemies, Air Blast to defend from ranged attacks, and Backdraft to suck enemies into range of the weapon's powerful attacks.

Backpack Kits—When activated, these special utility kits equip a backpack that replaces the engineer's current weapon skills with a set of more specialized skills. For example, a bomb kit puts a backpack on engineers that allows them to deploy bombs with a variety of effects including smoke, concussion, and fire.

Turrets—An engineer can deploy turrets: immobile allied devices that help defend and control an area. When a turret is deployed, the skill in that slot is replaced with its overcharged version. For example, an engineer can deploy a Thumper Turret to cause AOE damage, and then activate the overcharge version of that skill for a big thump attack that knocks down nearby enemies. An engineer can interact with deployed turrets, packing them up and moving them around. This removes the turret—and the option to overcharge it—triggering a short recharge before that turret can be deployed again. Only one of each type of turret can exist at a time.

Tool Belt—An engineer tool belt is a set of special skills above the weapon skill bar. It enhances the effectiveness and functionality of the engineer's utility and heal skills. The tool belt can add a self-destruct skill to turrets or a detonation option to all mines. When paired with the grenade kit, the tool belt allows a grenade barrage; with the med kit, it adds a self-healing skill.


  • Main Hand: Pistol
  • Off Hand: Pistol, Shield
  • Two-Handed: Rifle

Backpack Kits
  • Tool Kit
  • Grenade Kit
  • Bomb Kit
  • Mine Kit
  • Med Kit

Weapon Kits
  • Flamethrower
  • Elixir Gun

  • Rifle Turret
  • Thumper Turret
  • Net Turret
  • Flame Turret
  • Healing Turret
Laast bewerkt: 13 jaren, 3 maanden geleden Door Yvilthi.

Re: Engineer 12 jaren, 11 maanden geleden #656

  • Yvilthi
  • Afwezig
  • Administrator
  • Berichten: 207
  • Karma: 6
Curse: Engineer gameplay

Laast bewerkt: 12 jaren, 11 maanden geleden Door Yvilthi.
  • Pagina:
  • 1
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.: Shoutbox voor je dagelijkse portie klets ::.
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4 jaren geleden
  • summetje : heel rustig Open-mouthed smiley
  • triggs : wat is het rustig hiero
  • Anna : ts down?
  • Klaasvaag : TS weer up
  • Klaasvaag : TS Sevrer heeft updates dus komt terug in 10 min.
  • Peer : Sry het heeft ff geduurd maar ts is weer in de luch
  • triggs : Voor de Minecrafters, we zijn net een nieuwe wereld gestart (Vanilla + een paar handige plugins). Stuur maar een PM om gewhitelist te worden.
  • Peer : Dinsdag middag 22/07 gaat TS tijdelijk uit de lucht ivm een nieuwe glas aansluiting en meer snelheid dus Smiley\
  • Heiligeboon : Nog mensen die morgen Wildstar gaan spelen? ^^
  • Heiligeboon : Hey hey!
  • Klaasvaag : Idd Ray, ziet er wel interessant uit moet ik zeggen
  • Yvilthi : project titan of zo ?
  • Yvilthi : Blizzard --> Activision --> Bungie --> 500 miljoen --> Space shooter
  • Yvilthi : zet me aan het denken...
  • Yvilthi : «link»

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