"Good dog! Hold the enemy down while I shoot them! You get a biscuit!"
The ranger is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of them all as well, relying on his keen eye, steady hand, or the power of nature itself. A master of ranged combat, the ranger is capable of striking unwitting foes from a distance with his bow. With a stable of pets at his command, a ranger can adapt to his opponents' strengths and weaknesses.
A ranger is accompanied by his pet, a loyal animal companion. Rangers charm pets and then bond with them. A ranger can have up to three pets at his call, but generally speaking, only one pet can be active at any time. Pets' base health, armor, and damage are based on the level of the player that owns them.
Pets are charmed by interacting with juvenile versions of the species you want to charm. There are a variety of Tyrian species that can be charmed, including bears, moas, devourers, and sharks. As you adventure with a pet, it evolves to become more unique and eventually allows you to give it abilities that compliment your tactics.
Rather than manage a unique resource in combat, a ranger will manage his pet, assigning them a behavior from aggressive to passive. A ranger can also manage his pet by giving commands such as "attack," "heel," and "stay."
Rangers have a number of special skill types:
Traps--Traps are utility skills that can be placed at a ranger's current location. When an enemy enters a trap, it is triggered. For example, Spike Trap will cripple and bleed enemies that pass through it. A trap can remain active as long as the ranger chooses to remain close to it. A ranger can only have one of each trap type out at any given time.
Spirits--A spirit skill summons a nature spirit that influences the area around it. For example, Sun Spirit applies additional fire damage to allied attacks inside its influence. A spirit stays out for a short period of time and goes away if the ranger wanders too far away from it. Spirits can be attacked by enemies and removed from the battle. A ranger can only have one of each type of spirit out at any given time.
A ranger is mostly a master of ranged weapons, however, he can use sword or greatsword in melee combat. The ranger weapons are:
Main Hand: Sword, Axe
Off Hand: Axe, Dagger, Torch, Warhorn
Two-Handed: Greatsword, Longbow, Shortbow
A ranger has three active pet slots. Outside of combat, or through the use of utility skills, the ranger can swap their active pet. There are 12 different types of pets, including some terrestrial (spiders), some amphibious (lizards), and some aquatic (sharks). Within each type there are subtypes that can influence pets' abilities. For example, a polar bear might have an Icy Roar, while a brown bear might have a Fearsome Roar. A ranger's pet gets its level from its master, which determines their basic attack, armor, and health.
Pet Evolution
Pets have customization options. The first of these has to do with a pet's evolution level. Pets evolve up to 20 evolution levels. Each pet type receives automatic bonuses at different evolution levels. For bears, these bonuses might be increased health or increased damage. Pets gain evolution points when the player gains XP while the pet is active. At certain evolution levels, pets will unlock ability slots (up to 4 total). Ability slots can be filled from a list of active pet abilities based on pet type.
Pet Controls
In addition to managing his skills, a ranger will be able to manage his pet with limited commands and modes. This will be an interface element for the ranger class. Here are some examples:
Modes--Ongoing behavioral settings the ranger can toggle.
Aggressive--Attack what I am attacking.
Defensive--Attack enemies that attack me.
Passive--Don't attack.
Commands--Specific, direct commands that execute right away.
Attack--Attack my target.
Heel--Come to me.
Stay--Do not move.
Laast bewerkt: 13 jaren, 3 maanden geleden Door Yvilthi.
This is a basic summary of the gameplay techniques used in Guild Wars 2. The Guild Wars 2 PvP Manual and GW2 Gold Reference Book is co-written by several authors who are established veterans of the game.
Guild Wars 2 Ranger is categorized as an adventure profession in Guild Wars 2. As you know by name, this profession is a ranger fighter and is magnificent with the bow. Most Rangers in general MMOs only have access to a bow or some sort of small dagger which is rarely used in a real fight, but this is not the case in GW2 guide. Little do you know, the Ranger is able to wield huge 2 handed great swords. Below is a list of the 11 types of weapons that the Ranger can equip.
1.Great Sword - Heavy damage weapon at close range. Good at counter attack and dodging
* Swoop: Run and leap at your foe, hitting them and nearby foes.
* Counterattack:
* Block and counter an attack with a kick that pushes foes back.
* Maul: Bleed your foe four times with a mauling strike.
* Hilt bash: Daze your foe with a hilt bash. Stun them if you hit from behind. Your pet’s next attack does double damage
* Long Range: Shoot your foe from long range. The further the arrow flies the more damage it does.
* Rapid Fire: Rapidly fire at your foe.
2.Long Bow – the most powerful weapon for ranger providing the longest ranged attack.
* Hunter’s Shot: Fire an arrow to make your foe vulnerable. Your pet gains swiftness.
* Point Blank: Knock back your foe with a point-blank shot. The closer they are, the further it knocks back.
* Barrage: Barrage target area with a hail of crippling arrows.
* Long range Shot: Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the arrow flies, the more damage it does.
* Rapid Fire: Fire multiple arrows at your foe.
3.Short Bow – quicker but shorter range and less damage than long bow. Best for hit and run fight. This weapon is recommended by guild wars 2 class guide
* Quick Shot: Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness if it hits. Can be used while retreating.
* Crippling : Cripple your foe with a single arrow to the knee. Your pet’s next three attacks inflict bleeding.
* Concussion: Daze your foe with an arrow. Stuns them if you hit from behind.
* Cross Fire: Fire an arrow that bleeds your target if it hits your foe from behind or the side.
* Poison Spray: Fire a spread of poison arrows.
1.Sword – Melee attack with mobility. Backstabbing and keeping ranger distance from enemies can be performed by this weapon.
2.Axes – Ranger can throw axes to targets, giving medium ranged attack
1.Axe - Giving skill to reflect any incoming attacks for a period, or can be thrown for a boomerang effect.
2.Dagger - Dagger is to inflict status aliment to foes such as maim attack and poison attack.
3.Torch - Light fire to some area and burn the enemies by throwing the torch at
4.Warhorn - Call animals for a short period to attack opponents or buff allies.
Under the water
1.Harpoon Gun - Can be accessed for underwater battle only. Harpoon gun is for shooting at multiple targets from long ranged.
2.Spear - For underwater melee attack to pierce and swipe enemies.
Guild Wars 2 Ranger Weapon, Spirits, Traps Guide
Below is an introductory guide to the Ranger’s weapons..
The two handed weapons the ranger can use are the great sword, the long bow, and the short bow. The differences between the long bow and the short bow are simple.
Long bows have longer range and are more powerful, but require the ranger to remain stationary. The short bow is lightweight and allows the ranger to be more mobile, allowing them to use skills on the move.
The one handed weapons they can use are the sword and the ax. Their offense includes axes, daggers, war horns, and torches. The ranger will be one of the most deadliest opponents from range beside guild wars 2 engineer leveling guide but because they have access to more weapon set in combat, they might be able to surprise some enemies with some melee damage.
Rangers have two skill types available to them, traps and spirits. Traps are placed at the rangers location and are activated once an enemy walks over it.
Ranger traps will do things such as burn and chill foes, apply a bleed, or blind them. A ranger can only have one trap out at a time. When a ranger uses a spirit skill, it sums a nature spirit that buffs the surrounding area. It stays out for a short period of time, or until the ranger walks too far away from it.
These spirits can be attacked by enemies, and only one of each type can be out at a time. A sun spirit, for example, will apply additional fire damage to allied attacks within the vicinity.
The ranger in Guild Wars 2 leveling guide looks like no other I’ve seen before. It is very different from any ranger, hunter, marksman class I have seen in other MMOs.
They give the player a lot of freedom and choice of what pet to use, and why they should use a specific pet. There are going to be situations when a ranger player has a light bulb appear on the top of their head and says, “A spider would be great for this flight,” or, “This snow leopard would be perfect for this enemy.”
This aspect of the ranger should excite a lot of people that want the pet to be a part of the profession, and not some auto attacking, mindless beast
* Heal as one: Heal yourself and your pet
* Healing Spring: Create a spring that heals you, your pet, and your allies. It also cures conditions on allies.
* Troll Unguent: You and your pet regenerate health over time.
Elite Skill:
Elite skills are especially powerful skills designed to be used infrequently and have a dramatic effect on the tide of a battle. The last slot on the skill bar is reserved for elite skills. Elite skills typically have much longer recharge times compared to normal utility skills — very few recharge in less than 60 seconds, and some can take up to 4 minutes.
* Entangle: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed
* Rampage As One: Rampage with your pet, gaining stability, fury, and swiftness. You and your pet also grant might to each other when you attack.
* Spirit of Nature: Summon a spirit that heals allies. Command the spirit to revive and cure conditions on nearby allies.
* Nature's Renewal: Command your spirit of nature to revive and cure conditions on nearby downed allies