Effects on character and game
Personal story
The player's race defines the beginning of their personal story and starting area, as well as most of their biography questions, which also influence their story. For example, an asura character must decide which of the three Asuran colleges their character is affiliated with. Selecting a race will also have some effect on how NPCs react to the character.
Physical appearance
Race also defines the character's appearance, and have unique physical features to adjust and alter, such as charr horns and norn tattoos. The chosen race also has an effect on the visual scaling of weapons in size. For example, a norn character's hammer would appear larger than asura character's hammer of the same visual appearance. This is purely cosmetic, and has no effect on weapon or character capabilities.
Racial skills
While a character's race has more of an effect on appearance and story, players are also given access to several racial skills. These skills give each race some of their iconic racial abilities, albeit weaker than their profession-related equivalents.[1] Examples of unique racial abilities include norn assuming the form of one of their animal spirits, or the connection between sylvari and the Pale Tree.
List of asura racial skills:
List of charr racial skills:
List of human racial skills:
List of norn racial skills:
List of sylvari racial skills:
Racial sympathy
Each race can show sympathy to other non-playable races, determined by the player as part of their personal storyline. The creatures that a player would show sympathy for are races that occupy areas near the character's starting area. For example, "a charr would have little opportunity to meet the peace-loving quaggan, as quaggan are sea-creatures and Ascalon has no coastal territory."[